Brand Ambassador - - Healthy Bison Meat Snack Sticks - BUFF

Brand Ambassador -

Looking for BUFF Brand Ambassadors!!
We have been enjoying the ride BUFF and Big Rock Bison have taken us on. Learning so much daily and being reminded just as frequently as to why we got into this. Bringing BUFF to people who are seeking out a health conscious, hand crafted, naturally sourced and unique protein snack is a unique challenge but one we have enjoyed and have loved all of the people we have met along the way. And ranching the majestic bison is such a privileged – we don’t take it for granted and enjoy the whole process.
But…..We, like everyone else only have so many hours in the day. I am looking for some help in getting the word about BUFF out there. Specifically “Brand Ambassadors” – What is a brand ambassador? Well its someone who has a large social media following and represents all things “BUFF” = active, health conscious, passionate about food and conscious of where it comes from.
How it would work – we would gather emails from people interested in becoming brand ambassadors for BUFF and would go through the process of picking a few that we feel would best represent us. At this point we would “pay” each ambassador in BUFF, Bison meat and swag. These items would then be used for pictures to take in their active daily life and shared on their social media outlets.
We are excited about the direction that we are heading and can’t wait to have you all join us.
If you think that being paid in bison meat, taking a few pics and sharing the bison love with your friends and family is something you want to try - give me a shout – 519-375-6668 or
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